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  • Origin: Carebara pygmaea is native to tropical and subtropical regions, commonly found in countries across Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

  • Habitat: These ants prefer living in diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, and urban areas, often nesting under stones, logs, or within leaf litter.

  • Colony Type: Carebara pygmaea colonies are typically polygynous, meaning they can have multiple queens.

  • Queen Size: The queen of Carebara pygmaea is expected to be small, with an uncertain size ranging from 5 to 10 mm in length.

  • Worker Size: Workers of this species are expected to be tiny, with an uncertain size ranging from 1 to 5 mm in length.

  • Food: Carebara pygmaea is omnivorous, with a diet that includes small insects, arthropods, seeds, and nectar. They may also engage in trophallaxis, the sharing of food among colony members.

  • Humidity: They thrive in environments with high humidity levels, ideally between 60% to 80%.

  • Temperature: Keep the temperature for Carebara pygmaea colonies around 25-30°C (77-86°F).

  • Hibernation: Carebara pygmaea colonies may reduce activity during cooler months but do not undergo true hibernation.

  • Colony Size: These colonies are expected to be relatively small, typically containing only a few hundred to a couple of thousand individuals.

  • Difficulty: Difficulty level to care for Carebara pygmaea: 3/5. This species requires more attention and care due to their small size and specific environmental needs.


About Carebara pygmaea:

Carebara pygmaea is a species of ant native to tropical and subtropical regions, commonly found in Southeast Asia. They are highly adaptable ants, capable of thriving in various habitats ranging from forests to urban areas. Colonies of Carebara pygmaea are typically polygynous, meaning they can have multiple queens. The queens are expected to be relatively small, with an uncertain size ranging from 5 to 10 mm in length, while workers are expected to be even smaller, with an uncertain size ranging from 1 to 5 mm. They are omnivorous and have a varied diet that includes small insects, arthropods, seeds, and nectar. Maintaining high humidity levels between 60% to 80% and temperatures around 25-30°C (77-86°F) is crucial for their well-being. While they may reduce activity during cooler months, they do not undergo true hibernation. With proper care, colonies of Carebara pygmaea can thrive and grow, making them a fascinating species for ant enthusiasts, especially those interested in smaller ant species.

Carebara pygmaea

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